The venue for THATCamp #OzHA2013: Building 6, on the main University of Wollongong campus.
The wonderful IT support at University of Wollongong have organised free wifi connections for all participants at THATCamp #OzHA2013! We had a walk-through of the venue this morning and it looks good – connectivity, comfort and a generally conducive environment for sharing.
If you haven’t yet registered, go to the Register page and fill it in right now. We have still have some spaces left.
We look forward to seeing you at 9:30am Saturday morning!
About perkinsy
I am a reformed accountant who moved into public relations then morphed into historical research. I am interested in the rise of the secular in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and the tension between the secular and religious during this period.
Currently I'm analysing WWI soldiers' diaries using the transcriptions of the diaries held by the State Library of NSW for a history I am writing about the personal beliefs of soldiers while on the front. The engine of my research is a simple Python program I have written to search the diaries for certain keywords. You can read more about this project on my blog,
Stumbling Through the Past.
In my digital humanities blog,
Stumbling Through the Future I give simple step by step explanations of how to use some useful tools. Most recently I did a series of posts on getting started with the Trove API.
My first THATCamp was a great one - Canberra 2011 (see
my post. In 2013 I helped to organise a THATCamp connected with the annual conference of the Australian Historical Association in Wollongong -
THATCamp #OzHA2013 and I attended THATCamp in Sydney last year.