Wifi Crisis: A Call for Help

Despite ongoing negotiations with the University’s IT Department, it looks as if Wollongong University will be pressing ahead with major work on their network on the 13th of July.

This seems to mean that there will be no free wifi available on campus, and also that the PCs linked to the projectors won’t have internet access, and might possibly work at all.

So we need to bring our own internet.

Who is able and willing to provide wifi access either through wireless phone tethering or through a portable wireless hotspot.

Please use the comments section below to report on what you can bring. The target is 30.

Tally so far: 13.

Categories: Administrative |

About daveearl

I'm a PhD candidate and tutor in the Department of History at the University of Sydney. My research interests include histories of youth, gender, welfare, education and disability. I have a keen interest in digital history and all things web. My dissertation is titled "Help Us/Help Them: How Australian parents understood the problem of mental retardation, and what they did about it, 1945-1970." I haven't played Galaga for several years, but am now tempted.

1 Response to Wifi Crisis: A Call for Help

  1. daveearl says:

    I can support up to 8 people on Telstra 4G on my phone. I also have a 3G hotspot which supports 5. I’d prefer not to use that if because I’d need to get a new prepaid sim for it which is a hassle.

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